A Partnership with Creating Better Days is limited to our top-performing influencers. Depending on the nature of the individual’s relationship with us, our partners will even be offered the chance to start their very own lineup of cannabinoid products!
This option essentially combines the benefits of both Affiliate and Influencer Marketing. That is to say, partners will receive a commission for any sale from their personalized collection in addition to receiving payment for any custom content created to promote our brand.
For the reasons above, our partnerships are exclusive to social media entrepreneurs that have been hand-picked by our company's selection committee.
Partner must . . .
Adhere to guidelines in our Brand Book (sent via email).
Have a min. of 500,000+ followers on social media.
Have an average engagement rate around 2 - 5%.
Cater to an audience related to our industry.
Sign non-compete contract for exclusivity.
For those looking to get their hands on some of the best products out there, look no further than Creating Better Days. Our team is dedicated to bringing you high-quality cannabinoids that help you create better days.
Contact Us: 1(800)215-0223
The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements by Creating Better Days. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases. Results may vary. All of Creating Better Days' Products are recommended for adult use only.
© 2025, Creating Better Days